About the DIVERSITe Project

DIVERSITe is a timely and innovative project focused on diversity management in enterprises, a topic of emerging importance for businesses in all Member States. The project aims to provide bespoke, on-demand and accessible learning content to managers and employees through interactive infographics presented in the DIVERSITe e-Zines. 

The main innovation in the DIVERSITe project is the use of interactive infographics as key access points to the e-Zine curriculum. The infographics for managers and employees work as innovative pedagogic tools to engage both target groups in initial education on the topic of diversity management. Additionally, the project encourages employees to get involved in co-designing the diversity management plan with their employer, ensuring an ethos of inclusivity throughout the DIVERSITe education model.

Diverse people and global nature illustration

The project was borne out of a dearth in appropriate diversity management training programmes on offer from the VET sector in the regions where the project partners work. However, the learning from DIVERSITe in the context of work-based learning can be applied to other education fields and sectors where diversity issues persist. The creation of Interactive Infographics means that messages to promote diversity can be shared directly on noticeboards in a range of education, work, and social environments in our communities.


DIVERSITe partners work to create local synergies between VET providers and businesses, helping to achieve an impact related to diversity management in both arenas. The project proposes a unique work-based learning partnership that uses accessible and attractive interactive infographics to bring VET providers and their business target groups together. Partners are keenly aware that VET could be made more accessible and relevant to the business community if both parties were engaged in co-designing educational interventions that help modernise and update VET practice while providing the business community with much-needed resources to address talent and business management practices in our modern, culturally diverse employment landscape.

Through DIVERSITe, project partners engage with both target groups – VET providers and business community representatives – to co-design a set of diversity management training resources that will support business owners, managers, and employees to adapt to diverse and inclusive workplaces.

Learning Materials

The DIVERSITe project aims to address the challenges of diversity in the workplace by providing interactive learning resources, including smartphone-based diversity management modules, to business owners, managers, and employees. The goal is to promote inclusion and diversity awareness among VET learners and increase flexibility in VET provision by offering quality learning content accessible on-the-go. The overall objective is to provide new diversity management training solutions to address post-pandemic challenges in the workplace.

This compendium comprises:

Interactive Infographic and E-Zine common to both target groups that will provide a general introduction to diversity management.

Interactive infographics and DIVERSITe E-Zines for Managers

Click here to view the topics

  • E-Zine 1: Unconscious bias
  • E-Zine 2: Creating a positive work environment through diversity management planning
  • E-Zine 3: Making the business case for diversity
  • E-Zine 4: Understanding diversity as a key marketing tool
Interactive Infographics and E-Zines for Employees

Click here to view the topics

  • E-Zine 1: Gender discrimination
  • E-Zine 2: Racial profiling
  • E-Zine 3: Age diversity
  • E-Zine 4: Digital migrant and digital natives
  • E-Zine 5: Inter-personal relationships in a diverse workplace
  • E-Zine 6: Tolerance
  • E-Zine 7: Prejudice
  • E-Zine 8: Cultural awareness

To respond to the needs of vocational (VET) educators and providers for up-skilling to support their use of the DIVERSITe E-Zines and Infographics, DIVERSITe provides an in-service training programme. This programme supports VET trainers to modernise their practice so that they can respond to the needs of the labour market today. Through the in-service
training, our intention is to support VET providers to update their knowledge on what diversity in the workplace means, how it can be managed and why it is beneficial to businesses and employees.

Through this programme, VET trainers have the opportunity to add to their theoretical knowledge on diversity management, while also adapting their teaching approach and style by being open to incorporate digital resources into their core activities.

Meet the Team

The DIVERSITe Project Team comprises eight organisations from Austria, Croatia, Ireland, france, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece and Germany, working together to achieve the project aims and delivered the expected results for managers, employees and vocational education professionals in our regions. Within the project team, there is a good balance between organisations and associations providing education and training to businesses and companies that have implemented successful projects in the field of career coaching, talent management and business development.






On this page, you will find copies of our project brochures and newsletters. We will add to this page and keep it regularly updated throughout the project.

Newsletter 2

Newsletter 3

Newsletter 4

Press Release

Press Release 2

Press Release 3

Get Involved in the DIVERSITe Project!

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2022-1-AT01-KA220-VET-000085812
